Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Darkness

No posts for a long time. A new aphorism - Isak Dinesen.

One might think everything should be sweet and rosy since the family's return at the end of July but it has not been so easy ...

Jaime and Kezia are well-esconced in the best schools on the island. Kezia had her first physical and blood test two weeks ago - everything fine. However, she is suffering fro what appear to be insect bites (but from which the rest of us are not suffering) and we are keeping them at bay (i.e. not infected) with antiseptic cream. However, doctor appointment tomorrow or Saturday.

The Darkness - my unemployment, debts, stretcing a long way to make ends meet, enormous electricity outages, very slow or no Internet, not keeping up with the web, Internet leukaemia friends, reverse culture and relationship shock and difficulties etc etc.

1 comment:

Andy Ward said...

Keep the faith my friend.You are not alone :-)

Take care