Thursday, January 10, 2008

Power Crisis

Now that can mean one of two things, especially here in Africa.

Either the politicians are squabbling, often with guns and militia ... or there's no electricity.

Ours being a pacific country the former doesn't happen ( just bickering and metaphorical backstabbing). The latter frequently (although less frequently than in the past) does ... only this time with a difference.

There are no candles available in the country.


Lea White said...

Hi there,

Good to hear from you again. How much longer do you have on treatment with Kezia? Is she coping a bit better, or just the same as always (specifically the Dex)?

I believe all Bianca's oral chemo will be tablets going forward. We are possibly starting next Friday on our maintenance.

Good to see you online again. Missed your postings over Christmas.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Angus said...

OT around June/July.

Yes maintenance is somewhat better but Dex remains same as ever.