Friday, June 29, 2007

Another Milestone

Kezia has just come out of operating theatre without her Hickman Line! Congratulations!


Lauren said...

Congrats to Kezia! Now do they place IVs as needed for the rest of treatment? I know several kids that do that and prefer IVs to a line or port. Fergus would not be one of them, however! He still has his port, but getting that out should happen in the next month or so. Thanks for the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act plug, by the way.


Angus said...

Thanks Lauren

The only medication now that needs to be given IV is monthly vincristine. I'm assuming this will just be an injection (will find out tomorrow). Obviously, if she requires transfusions at any point ... Our consultant has told us that they try and avoid installation of a portacath - they only do this if it is obvious the child is overwhelmingly distressed by injections.