Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I note

… from the Independent Reconfiguration Panel’s website that the template document for the review of the Making it Better: Making it Real (Paediatric and Maternity provision) proposals is basically empty. Why?

I note that the Pennine Acute Trust’s head of human resources Roger Pickering is reported as saying that the cuts should not result in job losses and is quoted in the press as saying "We remain confident that all staff affected by these moves will be offered redeployment …Our aim is to deliver financial recovery while minimising the impact on patient services and staff.".

I note, however, that in the IRP’s template for Healthy Futures (A & E services), the Pennine Acute Trust has stated that one of its aims is the “reduction in posts and jobs” despite Mr Pickering’s assurances.

I also note that in the IRP’s template for Healthy Futures (A & E services) the review of Access and Transport (section 1.3.3) is meaningless. To quote (with my comments in parentheses) …

Oldham [to the hospital itself? It doesn’t say]: 18 buses per hour weekdays [from where? It doesn’t say], 5 buses per hour at night [from where?]

Rochdale: Least well served by public transport, 900 metres from bus station [so I’m assuming it means the hospital] – ring road makes access difficult.

Apples and Oranges. Is the IRP going to be able to give Patsy an informed recommendation?

Dr. Crippen, please please link to this before 26 June, your blog is far more influential than mine – maybe someone on the IRP reads NHSBlogDoctor!

I am getting angry! I am angry! I’m tired of being angry. I want to blog about cancer, I want to blog about Kezia’s hair beginning to grow back - not about the state of the NHS!

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